Thursday, March 1, 2012

The Rhetoric of Spring Break

These picture will ALWAYS end up on the internet.
With Spring Break approaching, countless college students are preparing for various cruises, flights, or various other travelling adventures to surely beautiful places. This got me thinking, what does Spring Break, at least the stereotypical Spring Break implanted in the minds of most people, really say about those that partake in it, particularly college students?

I've already touched on the common perception of college students, so I will try to spare the generalizations and focus on the perceptions as it applies to Spring Break. Many of these college students on these trips to various paradises around the world partake in some questionable behavior, and that seems to get widely critiqued. I agree that these students might at times get a little out of control, but everyone has to consider the origins of this reputation for college kids going crazy during Spring Break. After all, most of the people now judging these students are responsible for the current reputation.

This is a main reason I criticize older adults who criticize young adults. These perceptions are usually skewed negatively from the start, and skewed because of how they themselves acted when they were younger. What most adults fail to realize is the reason why they no longer act like college students. Most of these adults learned to recognize and avoid this potentially self-destructive by acting out and suffering the consequences. Trial and error still remains, and probably will always remain, as the main and best way to learn about life. The young adults of today will learn that this behavior they currently partake in cannot and will not allow them to succeed in the real world. But they will not learn this by older people yelling at them to act like they are currently acting. If anything, this only makes younger people want to rebel MORE. I just think those older adults out there need to remember all the stupid things they did when they were young (and I bet my life that everyone has those moments) and relax a little bit. People sometimes need to burn their hand on the stove before they learn to check if the burners are on first. It's a part of life, and something I believe contributes to how beautiful life really is. And those current young adults need to relax when they become the older adults. Although this will never happen, I like to think wishfully.

So, college students everywhere, have a wonderful Spring Break. Do some stupid things, but nothing that you know is dangerously stupid. Don't resist on taking a risk for fear of what your parents would think. They've done worst, even if they refuse to admit it to you.

1 comment:

  1. I like what you said about the people judging the current generation of young adults are likely responsible in part for the bad reputation. In a way, everyone is responsible for the preceding generation's reputation. Of course, there are people who fulfill the stereotypes but there are plenty of people who are far from it, whether that be in a good way or a bad way. I would like to think that other generations don't completely block out the young adults today and take the time to get to know people who will probably prove them wrong. Even for the people who fulfill the negative stereotype on the surface, I bet that once someone takes the time to get to know them, they will find that the surface is the only place where the stereotype rings true. Those people are probably smart, funny, and nice people too. We just see some of their stupidity and never get to know them beyond that.
